Friday, November 13, 2015

Dear Tomorrow,
Last night, I was in a horribly bad mood. I poured out my thoughts on virtual paper, in hopes that I would exhaust myself to the point that I would stop being frustrated. I have that post saved as a draft, and maybe one day I'll share it. It's messy, perhaps mildly controversial, and ultimately not something I need to share with the world, at least not right now. 

However, what was important about that post was how it started and how it finished. It began as a rant made by a 27 year old woman in a pissy mood just trying to get it all out, and it ended with a realization that, as long as we have the courage and the commitment to focus on the good things, life really isn't all that bad. Not for me, and not for many who perhaps choose not to see the good.

Last night, I started out choosing not to see the good in my life. I was cranky, annoyed, and overall just in a place of feeling bad about myself and my efforts. As I wrote, however, I noticed that I was slowly shifting from a rant to a realization; life isn't perfect, but it's really pretty okay. 

I recently found a quote at Barnes &  Noble, and it has stuck with me: 

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." -Emerson

Okay- I love wisdom from Emerson. He also gave me another favorite "important is not what lies behind us or before us, but what lies within us."

I had a very hard time earlier this year. Just waking up was hard. What was worse was I didn't know why. I was tired, irritable, and busy. All the time. And then I stopped. I left work, applied for disability, and started over. 

Now I'm at a better job with amazing people. It's still hard work sometimes getting up in the morning, and even falling asleep at night. I brought my work home with me (mentally) yesterday, because I couldn't let go of something that happened, and it was robbing me of a peaceful evening, and, potentially, the rest of my weekend. 

That's when I was reminded of that Emerson quote. I thought, the best thing I can do for myself right now is to promise myself I will face, or rather, greet tomorrow unencumbered with my old nonsense. So, here I am, with a blog called "Dear Tomorrow" and a butchered name to mean Sincerely, simply because Leigh is a name and Sincerely was taken. 

But in all honesty, this blog is a promise. A deal with myself that I will see tomorrow, and in all likelihood, tomorrow will be fine. 

So with that, I leave you with one more good one:

"Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts." -Churchill


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